Introducing New Council Member Alex Philip Sheldon-Smith (District II)

Alex recently came onto Council a few months ago, and we’d love for you to get to know him better!

Current place of employment?
Alan B. Cooper & Associates PLLC

Law school?
Michigan State University College of Law

Objectives/goals related to your new position as Council Member–i.e. what do you want to accomplish?
Encourage other new attorneys to participate in YLS and SBM events. Promote events that help new lawyers learn skills not taught in law school and help make the courts more accessible to the public.

Favorite thing about your geographic region in Michigan?
The ability to drive to any city within 30 minutes while also being able to escape up north for peace and quiet.

Why did you choose to pursue a legal career?
I said I wanted to be a lawyer at 4 years old and never looked back.

What advice do you wish you knew when you were starting your legal career that you know now?
Take the time before your first semester to get familiar with the classes that will be taught that semester. And if you think you know what area of law you want to go into, now is your time to explore other areas through internships and clerkships.

What is surprising about your job that others may not know?
You have to be there for your client in every way. Your client is not only focused on the house or their bank account, but the emotional factors they will go through and those the children will go through.

What do you like to do in your spare time (i.e. hobbies and interests)?
In the winter, I enjoy going to the movies and trying different restaurant and bars. In the Spring, Summer, and Fall you will find by up north on a beach, on a golf course, or at a U of M tailgate.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?

If you could have lunch with any person, living or dead, who would it be? Why?
Alexander the Great. No one can really say what took place in history at that time.